Wedding, Streams, and Social Distancing

We've been busy this Fall providing live streams for weddings. Geoff runs down the details of the one that is closest to his heart. We talk about the plan, the hiccups, and the benefits of streaming his daughter's wedding.

Best Practices and Impressions: Zoom

In Part A of our take on Zoom, Seth gives up on trying to deliver the company background information and just sticks to the technical stuff that makes Zoom both the same as, and different than, all of the other options out there.

It’s entirely possible that your IT department has already given you this information in several memos, but Seth consolidates it and looks at it through the eyes of a presenter / meeting planner.

In Part B of our take on Zoom, Seth finally delivers on the company background information, why we had to make copious use of a face-palm meme, and why we just keep running back to them.

It is extremely unlikely that your IT department bothered to put this stuff in a memo, but Seth pulled together at least the top hits, and our editor… um… really tried to keep it interesting….

Best Practices And Impressions: Go To Meeting

This week Seth is back on the stage to start our new series on best practices for, and our impressions of, each personal video conferencing platform.

We’re starting with Go To Meeting, one of the OG platforms that comes with some great features…. And a few drawbacks.

Virtual Meeting Overview

Geoff gives a brief overview around planning virtual presentations, and covers our approach to a rather special social event.

For a more in depth version of virtual event considerations, check out Seth’s “Virtual From First Principles” presentation.

The Virtual Event Worksheet that is mentioned can be found HERE.

We also have our Remote Presenter Checklist available HERE.

Build A Professional Remote Presenting Rig -- On a Reasonable Budget

This week Geoff leaves the safety of our test stage and ventures out into the wilds of the Amazon. . .

Er, make that the wilds of purchasing gear from Amazon (and a couple of other vendors). After way too much time spent browsing reviews and considering what factors are most important, Geoff has built an example setup for creating a remote presentation, without breaking the bank.

We found our gear at these places:

These are not affiliate links, it’s just were things were in stock. We highly recommend that you shop around and find the best value! This is also Geoff’s last video prior to getting a badly needed haircut!

LIVE! (and Remote?!)

With the pandemic continuing, and our offices finally open again, Geoff Briggs talks about the new realities of using remote presenters in your live events.

Boston Event Planner Rachel Glazer from volunteers as our live Zoom “stunt guest” in our example of a new shooting space capable of being set up almost anywhere.